Sunday, March 13, 2011

California Fire Hydrant Repairs

Falsification of Evolution According to the Roman Catholic Church

There is no concrete fossil evidence that lends credence to the image of the man-monkey, 'ceaselessly touted by the media and evolutionist academic circles. Brush in hand, evolutionists produce imaginary creatures, and the fact that these drawings do not fit with the fossils, however, is a serious problem for them. An interesting method to overcome this problem, 'the production of fossil fuels that can not be found. The Piltdown Man, the more than biggest scandal in the history of science, 'a typical example of this method.

The Piltdown Man, a mandible of orang-utan and a human skull
A well-known doctor and amateur paleoanthropologist, Charles Dawson, in 1912 claimed to have discovered a jawbone and a skull fragment in a pit at Piltdown , England. Although the mandible was very similar to that of an ape, the teeth and skulls were human. These samples were classified as "Piltdown Man". Having asserted that dated back to five hundred thousand years ago, they were doomed, in several museums, such as absolute proof of human evolution. For more than forty years were written many scientific articles devoted to this discovery and many interpretations and drawings were produced, while the fossil was presented as important evidence that supports the theory of evolution. Were compiled no less than five hundred doctoral dissertations on the subject. Famous American paleoanthropologist Henry Fairfield Osborn said during a visit to the British Museum in 1935: "... we must be reminded that nature is full of paradoxes and this is an amazing discovery about the first humans ..." 1
STORY mockery
The fossils unearthed by Charles Dawson and Sir Arthur Smith Woodward handled
The pieces are reconstructed to form the famous skull.
Parties diteschio human

Based on the reconstructed skull, numerous drawings and sculptures are made and written numerous articles. The original skull is exposed to the British Museum.
past 40 years since its discovery, the fossil of Piltdown reveals a hoax created by a group of researchers.
Nel 1949, Kenneth Oakley, del dipartimento di paleontologia del British Museum, tentò di applicare il metodo del "test del fluoro", un nuovo sistema per determinare la data di alcuni fossili antichi, sui campioni dell'Uomo di Piltdown. Il risultato fu sbalorditivo. Durante il test si scoprì che l'osso mascellare non conteneva alcuna traccia di fluoro. Questo significava che era rimasto sepolto non più di pochi anni. Il cranio, che rivelava soltanto a small amount of fluorine, proved to be traced back to a few thousand years ago, as confirmed by recent studies.

It was determined that the teeth in the jawbone, belonging to an orang-utan had been worn down artificially, while the instruments "primitive" discovered with the fossils were simple imitations sharpened iron utensils. 2 With the detailed analysis completed by Weiner in 1953, was revealed to the public this fraud. The skull belonged to a man who lived five hundred years before, while the jaw bone a monkey died recently! The teeth were then arranged in order and added to the jaw so as to mimic those of humans. All these pieces were then treated with potassium dichromate to give an appearance of old age. These spots began to dissolve in contact with the acid. Le Gros Clark, who was part of the team that discovered the fraud, could not hide his amazement and said, " evidence of artificial abrasion immediately sprang to the eyes . Indeed, it seemed so obvious that one could ask why they were not been discovered before. " 3 aftermath, Piltdown Man was quickly removed from the British Museum, where he had been exposed for more than forty years.

The Man from Nebraska: a tooth Pork
In 1922, Henry Fairfield Osborn, director of the American Museum of Natural History, said he found a fossil molar tooth in western Nebraska near Snake Brooks, dating from the Pliocene. This tooth allegedly had the common characteristics of 'man and monkey. This was the subject of deep scientific discussions in quali alcuni sostenevano che si trattasse di un dente di Pithecanthropus erectus, mentre altri affermavano che si approssimasse di più a quello di un essere umano. Il fossile, che sollevò estesi dibattiti, venne detto "Uomo del Nebraska". Gli fu anche affibbiato un "nome scientifico": Hesperopithecus haroldcooki.

Molte autorità diedero il loro sostegno a Osborn. Sulla base di questo singolo dente vennero eseguite ricostruzioni della testa e del corpo dell'Uomo del Nebraska , il quale venne addirittura raffigurato insieme alla moglie e ai figli, come un'intera famiglia nella sua cornice naturale.
Tutti questi scenari si svilupparono da un solo dente. I circoli evoluzionisti avvalorarono a tal punto questo "uomo fantasma" che, allorquando un ricercatore di nome William Bryan si oppose alla tendenziosa decisione di basarsi su un singolo dente, fu aspramente criticato.Nel 1927 vennero scoperte altre parti dello scheletro. I nuovi reperti rivelarono che il dente non apparteneva né a un uomo né a una scimmia, bensì ad una specie estinta di maiale selvatico americano detto prosthennops. William Gregory intitolò un suo articolo, pubblicato sulla rivista Science , dove annunciava l'errore: "Hesperopithecus: in realtà né una scimmia né un uomo". 4 Ne seguì che tutte le rappresentazioni dell'Hesperopithecus haroldcooki e della "sua famiglia" furono repentinamente rimosse da tutta la letteratura evoluzionista.
L'illustrazione a sinistra, pubblicata sull'Illustrated London News del 24 luglio 1922, venne fatta sulla base di un singolo dente. Gli evoluzionisti, tuttavia, furono molto delusi quando fu rivelato che questo dente non apparteneva né a una creatura simile a una scimmia né a un uomo, ma bensì ad una specie estinta di maiale.
Ota Benga: l'Africano in gabbia
Dopo aver avanzato, ne L'origine dell'uomo, l'idea che l'uomo fosse evoluto da un essere vivente simile alla scimmia, Darwin si dedicò alla ricerca dei fossili che convalidassero la veridicità delle sue asserzioni. Alcuni evoluzionisti, tuttavia, credettero che tali creature si potessero trovare non solo nei fossili, ma, ancora viventi, in varie parti del mondo. Agli inizi del XX secolo, le ricerche degli " anelli transitional living "led to the unfortunate incident, the cruelest of which is that of the pygmy Ota Benga.

Ota Benga: The Pygmy in the zoo."
Ota Benga was captured in 1904 by an evolutionist researcher in the Congo. In his language, his name means "friend." He had a wife and two children. Chained and caged like an animal, was taken in the U.S., where a few scientists expounded the public at the World Exhibition in St. Louis, together some species of monkeys. It was presented as "the bond transitional closer to man." Two years later, he was transferred to the Bronx Zoo in New York, where he performed as one of "the most ancient ancestors of man" in the company of chimpanzees, a gorilla named Dinah, and an orang-utan Dohung said. Dr. William T. Hornaday, the zoo's evolutionist director, expressed pride in long speeches to host this exceptional "transitional form" in his zoo Ota Benga and treated like a common animal in a cage. Unable to endure more than the treatment they had undergone, Ota Benga eventually committed suicide. 5

The Piltdown Man, Nebraska Man, Ota Benga ... These scandals demonstrate that evolutionist scientists have not hesitated to use any kind of anti-scientific methods to prove their theory. Of this we have to remember, when we consider the other so-called evidence of the myth of human evolution. There is in fact an army of volunteers ready to do anything to ascertain the veracity of these fictitious stories.

Source: HarunYahya

What Does The Inside Of A Woman Look Like

man is descended from brutes, according to the Bible

Popish Doctrine

Pius XII (1939-1958) in the encyclical Humani Generis (1950) stated the following: 'The Magisterium of the Church does not forbid that, in accordance with the current state of science and theology, and subject of research and discussion by the competent in both fields, the doctrine of evolution, inasmuch as it does research on the origin of the human body, which would come from existing organic matter (the Catholic faith obliges us to hold that souls are immediately created by God) '. As you can see in this encyclical, the evolution was not at all ordered, but was implicitly admitted even as a hypothesis and with caution. The fact that the theologians were encouraged to do research and discuss it certainly showed some sympathy with the Catholic Church to the theory of evolution. It's been almost fifty years since that encyclical, how are things today? They are the Roman Catholic Church teaches that human evolution that man comes from or inferior to brutes. But it is a development that excludes the creative act of God but a development requires the establishment. Here's what it said Pope John Paul II in a Symposium on Theory of Evolution and Christian Faith: 'right faith in creation and a teaching properly understood evolution does not create any obstacles (...) The trend in fact requires the establishment, the creation stands in the light of evolution as an event that extends over time - as a creatio continua - in which God becomes visible to the believer as creator of heaven and earth '(L'Osservatore Romano April 27, 1985).

This trend is supported by the Roman church called anthropological evolutionism mitigated and differs radically anthropological evolutionism of Lamarck, Darwin and Haeckel and professed by many biologists, because it says that evolution is restricted only at the origin the human body (as the soul is created directly by God), while the radical claims that the evolution of man includes the soul. But in essence what it says this type of evolution supported by the Roman church? This, that God by a special intervention is root cause of the human body, but has used a brute like material and instrument. In other words, says Fiorenzo Facchini, 'man is the result, at the same time, biological evolution and competition of a particular creative act of God', because it has evolved from an inferior being created by God a Catholic scholar, to explain this concept, said: 'Do not descended from brutes, but to ascend them '. So after about half a century encyclical Humani Generis of Pius XII evolution is no longer a mere theory but a truth to be embraced with open arms that we should not cast doubt on here as of late John Paul II put an end to doubt: 'The encyclical Humani Generis considered the doctrine dell''evoluzionismo' serious hypothesis, worthy of research and a thorough discussion there as opposed (...) Today, nearly half a century after the publication of ' encyclical, new knowledge leads to consider the theory of evolution more than a hypothesis. It 'worth noting that this theory has been progressively accepted by researchers, following a series of discoveries in various disciplines of knowledge '(L'Osservatore Romano, October 24, 1996).


Man was made by God in His image and likeness, and therefore was never a brute
We are really disgusted to see how this church, which is said to Christian and claims to have in her teaching a ' infallible interpreter of Scripture, trying to reconcile scientific hypotheses with the Word of God puts them to give another meaning to the creation of man as it is described and taught by the Scriptures. This attitude Roman Catholic doctrine against this evil that is evolution is yet another demonstration of the contempt that it feeds into the Word of God Now for the destruction of these arguments that are raised against the knowledge of God in the book
Genesis it is written: "And the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul ... The Lord God took the man and put him in Garden of Eden to work it and keep it. And the Lord God gave us this commandment: you may freely eat of the fruit of all tree of the garden, but of the tree of knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, because on the day you eat thereof, thou shalt surely die ... And the Lord God had formed every beast of the earth and all fields the birds of heaven, the man took them to see what he would call, and that every living creature as the man who would give him. And the man called de 'names to all cattle, to the birds of the heavens and to every beast of the field .. "(Gen. 2:7,15-17,19,20).
Scripture is clear, the sixth day God made man from dust of the earth. It can not be true to in any way that man has evolved with the time of the brutes first created by God to become the being that we know today because in this case God would have formed the man from living matter from inorganic matter and not as the Scripture says. In other words, man can not be the result of biological evolution from living matter because the matter from which God took the man was not simple dust but organic matter (and in the back when the man dies according to which God said: "You shall eat bread by the sweat of your face until you return to the ground whence thou wast taken: for dust you are and to dust you shall return" [January 3:19]).

also be noted that even though gli animali della terra, e quindi anche tutte le specie di scimmie, furono anch’essi creati il sesto giorno l’uomo fu formato il sesto giorno con un atto creativo ben distinto; quindi la scimmia fu fatta scimmia, e l’uomo fu fatto uomo. A ciò aggiungiamo il fatto che Dio quando creò l’uomo disse: “Facciamo l’uomo a nostra immagine e a nostra somiglianza…” (Gen. 1:26); perché anche questo conferma che l’uomo non può in nessuna maniera derivare da un essere inferiore animale, perché appunto fu fatto ad immagine e somiglianza di Dio subito, all’istante. Non è quindi che prima Dio formò la scimmia e poi la fece evolvere, nel corso di non si sa quanti thousands or millions of years, until it becomes a man in his own image and likeness, no, God made man now in his image and likeness. And finally add that when God made man spoke, and then the man had the power to hear, and then took him to the animals so he called them by name that makes us understand that he was endowed with intelligence. This also rules out any form of evolution.

But let's get to heart of the matter because to deny that God created beings distinct from animals and a human being such as to what we know today, drawing it from the dust of the earth in a short time except in a few moments? Why should we want to say this 'creatio continua'? We believe that the reason why the Roman Catholic church has been open to the theory of evolution is because what is written in Genesis about the creation of man became suddenly, before the scientific research, too simple to be true, and open contrary to what scientists say about the origin of man, in stark contrast to that if he continued to teach a creation of man, which excluded any form of evolution would end by being declared contrary to human reason and science, and so on. So it has sought the compromise, which consists of one part in a denial part of evolution (that is what he is saying that the soul comes from the matter and has not been infused in man by God) and secondly in the statement that God created an inferior being, a brute, which over time did develop the human being, and all this ends coll'annullare the clear teaching of God's Word Yet another clear proof that when you try to please men rather than God, when you decide to implement this century, you end up with himself against the Word of God and therefore against God Take heed therefore to yourselves brothers so that you may not fall into the same error, cling to the Word of God Do not try to adapt the theories of men, but believe me even though it says the things that you seem to go against reason and against human logic.

Giacinto Butindaro

Source: Lanuovavia

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Sunday, March 13 NEWS AT 20:40

Here's the latest news: Tonight
night-rain-snow fade.
Monday: Cloudy in the morning, with partially cloudy in the afternoon-evening worsens with new rain (snow at 900-1000 m) temp rising
Tuesday: moderate rain (snow at 900 m)
Wednesday: Cloudy in the morning, with a tendency to attenuation phenomena
Thursday: mild temperature increases in the afternoon
Friday-Saturday-Sunday: sunshine and mild temperatures "to confirm"
good week everyone!

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NO [DOC] The Illuminati

Interesting documentary that tells us who are actually the Illuminati , their history, their plans, and how they are motivated by Satan.

friends these are clearly Last Times, the return of the Lord Jesus' Christ is near.

Use discernment when you watch these videos, because many authors are not believers and are thinking about certain aspects accordingly.

Unleashed Piano Opera

western duel to evangelize

In this video, Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron, which are two American evangelists, will perform in a western duel to remind their viewers that death may come when you least expect it. Judge for yourself if it suits the Saints get to do such things!

Giacinto Butindaro

Source: Lanuovavia

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modern Little Red Riding Hood

Here's the play 'Little Red' made by the Church of the Awakening of Riccione-Rimini, led by shepherds Luke Baldolini Lana and from Silas. Truly a shameful and scandalous. Good God says through Isaiah: "O my people, the ones that will lead you astray and destroy the path to where you have to go" (Isaiah 3:12)

Giacinto Butindaro

Source: Lanuovavia

I Just Had A Shower Can I Wax?

converted or sympathizers? The 7 Seals

of Pastor Adam Luca (Roma)
itinerant ministry "Abundant Life"

We are leading people to Christ ? I mean, really we are leading to Christ? Or are we just simple format sympathizers? We

who taught from the pulpits or witness to our neighbor, we gonna talk on the streets or in our jobs, we who preach to the multitudes, or whisper into the ears of our neighbors, we say to people who want approach Christ?

You see, the risk is to train investigators, instead of believers. How to discern the difference?

Simple, except some exceptions, an investigator is not usually disposed to suffer, nor to sacrifice anything for Jesus and the Church, and a true convert to his "best oil" at the feet of the Lord, and is willing to serve in his local church.

When people come to church and decide for Christ, is not wrong to tell them that the Lord will bless them, they will receive healing and that God, in due course, will give the desires of their hearts. No, it is wrong to tell them that in Christ will peace and joy and that one day they will arrive at the Paradiso, the promised land of every Christian.

At the same time, however, is not even wrong to tell them that in this life will be persecuted on account of the decision they are going to take, which may have to offer to the Lord their time better and / or part of their property at the risk of being no, that will have to forgive when they want to order, which must give its reasons when they seem to be on their side, that will change their character when they want to impose their own and that their projects do not always coincide with God's plans for their lives.

We should tell these kids that their life is now in the hands of the Lord in the Gospel and that success is not success that they saw in the world. The success in the gospel is disappearing more and more so that Christ may increase and this is not always coincide with the desire to bring forward their own plans and projects.

We should tell the new converts that the Lord expects from their service, dedication and obedience, all things that a true born-again no difficulty to accept. But instead urteranno

sympathizers masquerading as born-again.

Who knows, if we say these things to people who get up to answer a call of salvation and are preparing to receive Jesus Christ warned them of responsibility if a new birth requires them, perhaps we would find that all of them would not continue to walk toward the pulpit, but we will return back immediately.

Well, this would not be so negative.

No, it would be, because those who come back would at least have the knowledge to know what it means to be truly Christian. And the day you decide to be, it will really be.

We live in difficult times, friends, and we can no longer afford the luxury of waiting for someone to grow in the Lord, before telling them how things really are.

We must have confidence that the Lord Jesus, when he enters someone's life, the change really and also prepares the responsibilities that Christianity requires.

In difficult times, you need to know immediately what to expect, otherwise we run the risk of filling our churches with people spoiled, capricious and not at all willing to make one sacrifice to the Lord or the local church that will hosts.

And then, let me tell you, deceive an investigator could create the basis for further problems in the community. For when the time comes when the maturity and good sense of the believer is required, we will remember his real sympathizer stage and act accordingly.

carnal mind will act as a spiritual being, and all of us we know how little profit is conducted in such a delicate moment.

We must say clearly to people what it means to accept Christ, and if they are not willing to pay the price, we must have the courage to wait and do not kid yourself. They are free to remain at the stadium of supporters, just as we have a duty not to deceive themselves elevated to the stage when that's not born-again believers are not.

Jesus paid the highest price, of course, but we must be willing to follow him in what He tells us to do, and somehow a "price" is required for us.

not fill our churches of supporters, people who agree only mentally con il Vangelo ma che poi non sono disposte a pagare nessun prezzo a motivo di esso, perchè quando la tempesta verrà, la loro mancata conversione sarà smascherata ed essi si allontaneranno presto dalla Chiesa.

Andare avanti nonostante la persecuzione, ad esempio, è parte di questo prezzo".

Ebbene, quanti oggi sono disposti a pagarlo, questo prezzo?

Si, gloria a Dio per i simpatizzanti, ma è giusto che essi sappiano che si trovano allo stadio di simpatizzanti e che debbono comunque fare presto una decisione.

Se facciamo loro credere di essere nella famiglia di Dio, se li illudiamo dicendo loro di non preoccuparsi e se non lasciamo che si assumano le loro responsabilità, the day the storm will break and will be required some sacrifice or deprivation by reason of the Gospel, they will be shocked and runs away.

And maybe we'll see them again.

They say in their hearts: "But this gospel is not so powerful because it has not prevented the storm came into my life ..."

We instead had to tell them that the Gospel does not prevent all the storms to come, but it certainly helps us and supports us in difficult times and helps us to get out of them. The aim of the Christian, in fact, it is to live well and without problems, but reaching the goal that the Lord has established for each of us and, eventually, joining the Heaven.

Hallelujah! If

obey the Lord may cost some sacrifice, that's okay.

If this may cost some deprivation, it does not matter.

But if these things do not say, if we hide the young converts that the storm can get and that persecution is always there lurking, this will happen when they run away. When will

offense by reason of the Gospel, give up everything. When a relative

them threaten to cut off the legacy will not be able to resist.

When adversity come upon them, will not have the strength nor the will to stand firm.

And when they ask their local church services and their time will run away.

No, I'm an advocate of suffering. Indeed who knows me knows how much I believe that the Lord is able to bless anyone talk to him, but I am also certain that there are situations where you need to put aside all material aspects of this life and also to say "yes" to Lord.

There are times when you need to decide to go ahead even if no reward in the Lord seems to materialize in front of us.

say only that there will be persecution not tell the whole truth, of course.

should also say that Jesus will lead us forward in spite of it, and that no tempesta sarà in grado di impedirci di giungere all'altra riva, se Gesù è con noi e se Lo stiamo seguendo diligentemente.

In questi tempi così difficili, la Chiesa ha bisogno di imporsi e di imporsi nel modo migliore. E quando la Chiesa si impone, significa che anche i singoli credenti si impongono.

E per imporsi, per non indietreggiare, occorre avere un carattere formato ed una disposizione a non mollare per nessun motivo.

Un simpatizzante non riuscirà mai a fare questo. Un credente si. Cristo in lui, per certo, può farlo.

E allora, concentriamoci nel formare discepoli, credenti veri e persone disposte anche a fare sacrifici per Gesù Cristo. Portiamo i simpatizzanti allo stage of believers, without fear of losing them. We tell them the truth and say what the Lord expects of them. Poniamoli confronted with the responsibility of service to God and to the local church in which they operate, accustoming them to the service right now and maybe for others.

Avvertiamoli that the persecution against them will, but whether they will stay close to the Lord will have victory over it.

The Gospel is good and beautiful are its rewards, but not always beautiful are the reactions of this world and the enemy of our souls. A true convert, a born-again, know that you have Christ on their side and deal with all the spirit of victory and courage.

and failures, challenges and sacrifices they will not turn back.

Well, if the truth will run away from the Church a person, then it means that that person was never really the Chesa.

If the stay is, then the Church has really gained a person. And that person, for sure, Christ has truly earned!

All supporters like to hear about Jesus Christ, and that basically costs nothing. Not all investigators, however, like to serve, because that, in contrast, it costs everything. Let

to people, and perhaps discover no small wonder that there are many willing to continue on the path, knowing that a cost is looming ahead of them.
cost but has a great reward as well!

Pastor Adam Luca (Roma)
itinerant ministry "Abundant Life"

Why Buy A Map For A Tomtom

Lobi bateba Phuwe . Vecchio lobi cm 21,.Patina (coagulato sangue )rituale , significativi segni d'uso , forse da sacca da guaritore (o Fetisher ).
Questa statua dinamica Lobi si basa sul contrasto tra la rigidità scultura Lobi e una sorta di torsione del corpo che rafforza la singolarità di questa scultura.
Come al solito nella statuaria Lobi, si nota l'importanza del tronco , particolare in questo caso perchè messo in torsione e come spesso sottolinendo l'ombelico. In piu'si puo aggiungere l'aspetto crudo di ogni trama,e il volto oblungo con caratteristiche erose da utilizzo.
Un gioco di linee sottili si alternano nella proiezione del torace e delle braccia inserito nel allineamento del corpo, e come elementi di forza nelle gambe.

Fluid And Hardening Around The Heart

Sunday, March 13 NEWS AT 11

snows from 300 m up (q snow even lower than expected by us, but March is crazy)
Today: Mostly moderate (q snow is expected to rise slightly, but in many areas could continue to snow around to 300 m, favorite le zone a ridosso del cuneese) in serata attenuazione dei fenomeni
lunedi:nuvoloso, rari fenomeni possibili (poss 44%)  peggiora nel pomeriggio-sera piogge (neve a 900 m)
martedi:piogge moderate (neve a 900m)
mercoledi:rari fenomeni,tempo tende a migliorare
giovedi-venerdi:sole e mite al pomeriggio (da conf)
Buona domenica!!

La pasta cresciuta

Mi ricordo di prepare questa ricetta quando si sente nell'aria l'imminente arrivo della primavera, nella bella stagione spesso andiamo fuori nei fine settimana per una passeggiata all'aperto con giornali libri e "attrezzatura" adatta per mettersi all'ombra di una pianta in riva ad un piccolo lago non distante da casa o nelle nostre montagne.

Le friggo le avvolgo in un sacchetto fatto da carta gialla poi  in una ciotola metto la mozzarella tagliata a pezzi giusti per un boccone ed in un barattolo ermetico il  sughetto al pomodoro   con legato da un filo di spago attorno al coperchio un cucchiaino...  fatto  !  

La pasta cresciuta di Napoli è una ricetta simbolo della cucina italiana nel mondo , zeppole o pasta cresciuta sono palline di pasta preparata con farina, acqua, sale e lievito si vendevano agli angoli delle strade a Napoli fino alla metà del secolo scorso dal  'o frittaiuolo.

Oggi è possibile mangiarle nelle pizzerie personalmente ricordo di un "basso" tipico a Napoli dove ho mangiato una gustosissima pasta cresciuta ma dove non servivano nè bibite e neanche il caffè ma solo deliziosi  bocconcini di questa pasta fritta assieme a giardiniera di verdure, mozzarella, acciughe e anche affettati. Nel periodo natalizio si servono ripiene di baccalà prima fritto o con cavolfiore lesso. La ricetta è semplice quanto gustosa,   buona domenica  


Certo, appena fritte sono più buone ma vi assicuro che le troverete buone, comode e pratiche queste pizzette fritte all'ora di pranzo in un pic-nic su of a lawn or under a parasol on the beach!

300 g of flour
12 g of fresh yeast
warm water

I like to accompany:
drained anchovies dry with paper towels
mozzarella milk
pickled vegetables

In a bowl pour the flour and shredded form a fountain in the middle pour the yeast, lukewarm water (about 3.5 dl abundant) joined a power salt and knead the ingredients until the batter is smooth and homogeneous. Cover with a towel and let the dough rise for 2 hours.

Stir the batter to deflate it with two tablespoons that you also need to take the batter and drop it in a pan where you put plenty of oil for frying. Cook a few pieces at a time until it is puffed and golden then drain on paper towels.

To do it with the anchovies can also follow this method:

prelevatene Mix the batter on one side and put it in another bowl scatter on the surface of small pieces of anchovy and taken with two tablespoons batter so that little bits of anchovies are wrapped in the same mold, let it fall into the 'hot oil, here is ready delicious morsels.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Hiv Test After 7 Weeks

Sunday, March 13 NEWS AT 9

Bene, sta andando come avevamo previsto (penso solo noi) nella notte crollata la q neve e le tamperature, con cali di 6-8 gradi in poche vore. Perche??Perche in quota (1500 m) la valbormida e il cunese stanotte e ora godeva di una bella -2 gradi, con precipitazioni intense as we had, the rain brings more 'below these temperatures and cools the column d' air (from snow reversal).
NOW IN THE VALLEY is snowing 300-400 M UP, snow still quite low in the morning, afternoon snow q slightly upward, in the evening attenuation phenomena.
Tuesday-Wednesday: heavy storm and rain for all (to let you know Tuesday-Wednesday at altitude there will be 'a +3, +4) Report
time posing photos below:

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Sunday, March 13 NEWS AT 6:30

Well, it's going as planned (I think only us) in the night and the snow collapsed the q tamperature, with a drop of 6-8 degrees in a matter of favor. Why? Because high altitude (1500 m) and Valbormida cunese tonight and enjoyed a beautiful hour -2 degrees, with heavy rainfall as we had, the rain brings more 'below these temperatures and cools the column d' air (from snow reversal).
NOW IN THE VALLEY is snowing 300-400 M UP, snow still quite low in the morning, then in the late morning, afternoon snow q rising to 700-800 m in the afternoon fades everything.
Tuesday-Wednesday: heavy storm and rain for all (to let you know Tuesday-Wednesday at altitude there will be 'a +3, +4) Report
time posing photos below:

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Revelation 6:1 - 8:5.
Opening the book with seven seals

Revelation 6:1-17. The first six seals

1, 2. First seal:
the conquest of the Antichrist.
The opening of the seals begins the day of the Lord, the beginning of the tribulation period on earth to overthrow Satan and evil men. Opening di ognuno dei primi quattro suggelli, una delle creature viventi associate con il governo di Dio sulla terra grida: “Vieni!”. In questo modo provocano i primi giudizi, simboleggiati da quattro cavalieri. Il cavaliere sul cavallo bianco, (Apocalisse 6:2), è l’Anticristo, il “capo che verrà” (Daniele 9:26) imitando Cristo (Apocalisse 19:11), con l’”arco” e la “corona”, simboli delle Sue grandi conquiste.

3, 4. Secondo suggello:
la guerra.
Il cavaliere sul cavallo rosso (colore del sangue) è la personificazione della guerra (cfr. Zaccaria 1:7-11; Zaccaria 6:1-8). La “Grande sword "that he contested the symbol of the destruction that war entails. Note that this gentleman does not kill, but is limited only to take peace from the earth and leave it to men to kill one another, men are more violent than ever. Will be very difficult to follow God and those who will jeopardize their lives.

5, 6. Third seal:
famine. The rider on the horse
black symbolizes famine, a result of war. Bread is rationed, "A chenice (about a quart) of wheat for a penny (the daily wage of a worker -
Matthew 20:1-16), and three chenici barley for a penny" (Revelation 6:5, 6). Consequently, the lower middle class can not buy another. "No damage to either the oil or the wine" means that only the rich can get stimulants. The Antichrist, therefore, will not bring welfare

7, 8. Fourth seal:
ll rider on the pale horse represents pestilence, which will bring death. In this period the "Great Tribulation" will die one quarter of the inhabitants of the earth, and it seems that because of the chaos, nature will be disrupted, the animals will multiply in a frightening way and this will be one of the causes the deaths of many humans.

9-11. Fifth seal:
the martyrs of the "Great Tribulation" under the altar.
John's attention is no more polarized on the events that occur on Earth, but that is the altar in the heavenly temple. The souls who spilled their blood "under the altar" and this means that they have offered their lives in sacrifice to God, just as the victims' blood was shed under the altar of burnt offering (Exodus 29:12 ; Leviticus 4:7). These are the first martyrs of the "Great Tribulation" (Revelation 6:10). In fact, do not use a Christian language (see Acts 7:60). Also note the expression "those who dwell on the earth" (Revelation 6:10 b), which would indicate that their killers are still alive on earth. God gives these martyrs "in a white robe" (Revelation 6:11), after which they are invited to rest, or to wait for some time, because those who were martyred were still joined them, then Jesus would come with glory for answering their prayers (Revelation 20:4).

12-17. Sixth seal
natural disasters.
These disruptions appear to refer symbolically to the stellar company in genere. Tuttavia, alla luce del contesto, è possibile ritenere anche che si tratti di fatti reali (cfr. Luca 21:11, 25-27). Le stelle che cadono sulla terra, (Apocalisse 6:13), potrebbero essere delle meteore. “Ogni montagna ed ogni isola fu rimossa dal suo luogo”, (Apocalisse 6:14), indica uno sconvolgimento di tutta la crosta terrestre. Apocalisse 6:15 menziona sette classi di persone per dire che nessuno sarà dimenticato. La prima reazione della gente sarà di terrore, e tutti cercheranno di nascondersi dalla vista di Colui che li giudica, (Apocalisse 6:15b). Il terrore cederà presto il posto alla disperazione, quando ci si renderà conto che non è possibile sottrarsi allo sguardo di Dio, therefore be heard shouting: "Mountains Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb" (Revelation 6:16). What terror! What time of fear! Where will the courage of the powerful and arrogance of the rich, the curse of the poor and hatred of the scornful? The wrath of the Lamb will lead them to realize that there is no way out: "Why have you come for the great day of His wrath, and who is able to stand?" (Revelation 6:17). Men beaten by these scourges are perfectly aware that it is God who strikes them, but rather than repent, they become increasingly duri, nella speranza di sfuggire a questi giudizi. Apocalisse 6:1 – 8:5.

Apertura del libro con i sette suggelli

Apocalisse 7.
Prima parentesi

Apocalisse 7:1-8.
Gli Israeliti suggellati

1-3. Un rimanente di Israele preservato.
Con l’espressione: “Dopo questo”, (Apocalisse 7:1), ha inizio un intervallo tra l’apertura del sesto e quella del settimo suggello, con cui inizierà il giudizio delle sette trombe. I 144.000 israeliti presenti sulla terra saranno preservati dai giudizi finali della “Grande Tribolazione” che colpiranno il mondo, (Apocalisse 7:3).

4-8. The seal of the 144,000 Israelites.
These are Israelites alive at the time of "Jacob's trouble" (Jeremiah 30:5-7). Them during the Great Tribulation will accept Christ as the Messiah (cf. Isaiah 10:22), while most of the rest of Israel will perish under the blows of the Antichrist (Isaiah 28:14-21, Zechariah 14, Revelation 12:6, 13 - 17). God knows what are the tribes of Israel (Isaiah 11:11-16), and will keep a remaining service, returning to the United restored (Acts 1:6). The event will take place when "the times of the Gentiles" will be completed (Luke 21:24) that the number of fully raised (Acts 15:14, Romans 11:25). It is clear that the 144,000 are on earth (Revelation 7:1-4). Enumeration, the tribes of Dan and Ephraim are omitted, probably because of their involvement in idolatry (Deuteronomy 29:18-21, Judges 17, Judges 18:18-31, I Kings 12:25-30, but cf. Ezekiel 48:1-7,
23-29). According to some, the tribe of Dan is omitted for another reason, because it will come the Antichrist, which should be a Jew (cf. Genesis 49:16, 17).
Revelation 7:9-17. The large crowd of martyrs

9-14. The martyrs.
The multitude of the martyrs is "saved" in Christ during the "Gande Tribulation" (Revelation 7:14, Revelation 13:8, 15). The "white robes" are unmistakable evidence of their righteousness of Christ, while "palms in their hands" are an indication that divide the triumph of Christ and acknowledge Him as Lord, King and Messiah (John 12:13). This raises a multitude joyous cry of praise and thanksgiving to God, the source of salvation (Revelation 7:11), after experiencing an unparalleled suffering in the Great Tribulation (Revelation 7:14, Daniel 9:27, Matthew 2) . The 144,000

Evangelist of the United
The 144,000, who are on earth, thanks to the seal received will be preserved dalle terribili piaghe della Grande Tribolazione (Apocalisse 9:4). Attraverso l’attività missionaria di questi 144.000, una grande moltitudine di ogni nazione si “convertirà” a Cristo, anche se convertirsi significherà rischiare la morte.
Il messaggio dei 144.000 sarà l’”Evangelo del Regno” che il mondo dovrà conoscere prima che venga la fine (Matteo 24:14) e non deve essere confuso con l’Evangelo predicato dagli apostoli, dai primi cristiani e, ancora oggi, da tutti coloro che sono fedeli alla Parola di Dio, nella dispensazione della grazia (cfr. Marco 16:15-20; I Corinzi 15:1-4), ma deve intendersi come la Buona Notizia che Dio adempie il Patto con Davide. It is a United
political, spiritual and universal, the Messiah will reign on which to express the judgments of God on earth. This kingdom
1) was preached by the ministry of John the Baptist to the rejection of the Messiah by the Jews (crucifixion)
2) will again be preached in this period still future (Isaiah 43:10, Matthew 24:14) .4:15-51; II Thessalonians 2:1-12). They were brought to salvation through the preaching of the gospel of the Kingdom (Matthew 00:13, 14, also called the 'Eternal Gospel, "Revelation 14:6). The multitude is in heaven, "before the throne" (Revelation 7:9, 15 - along with the angels, Revelation 7:11 - cf. note Revelation 7:15). Note the distinction between the Church (the elderly) and the multitude.
15-17. Their bliss in the Kingdom.
The martyrs are in heaven, "before the throne of God" (Gr. enòpion thrònou tou tou Theou - cf. Revelation 1:4, Revelation 4:4-6, 10, Revelation 7:9, 11, 15, Revelation 8 : 3), day and night in His heavenly temple (which is in heaven - cf. Revelation 21:22) to serve (Gr = latreuòusin worship, sacred service). They no longer suffer hunger, thirst, and will no longer be tormented by the heat of the sun or anything else that generates discomfort. The Lamb that will nourish them and lead them to the source water of life (which is in heaven - cf. Revelation 22:1).

Revelation 6:1 - 8:5.
Opening the book with seven seals

Revelation 8:1-5.
seventh seal

1. Opening of the seventh seal. With the breaking of the seventh seal "book reviews" (Revelation 5:1) is completely open and marks the beginning of the sound of seven trumpets of the judgments of God
2-5. The prayers of the saints answered. "Another angel" (Revelation 8:3), is identified with Christ by some, but probably it is an angelic being who acts with priestly functions. The prayers of the saints are heard through the land on the bad reviews.

Source: Lapocalisse

Sights On A Recurve Bow

Ricardo Di Rocco used to transmit the 'anointing' pushing people on the ground

Here's how the 'apostle' Ricardo Di Rocco transmits the usual 'Function' to the shepherds. Another Benny Hinn, a bit tall. Beware of these people who act in this manner unbiblical. These acts are acts of violence, which is not befitting a servant of the Lord. As you can see this fact gives Ricardo shots rather violent people with the aim of thrown to the ground. Beware of them.

Giacinto Butindaro

Source: Lanuovavia

Alchoholics With Big Bellies

Special Edition weather 22 hours

: Tonight-tomorrow are expected heavy rain (snow down to 600-700 in the night-morning showers during the more 'intense until about the 300-500 m neve molto bagnata) nel pomeriggio q neve in risalita, a seguire migliora. SEGNALA IL TEMPO QUA SOTTO:

Pattycake Online Warez

The testimony of two former Mormons

testimony of Jerald Tanner

I was born and raised in the Mormon church (...). I believed very strongly that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and that I belonged to the only true church. When I was about eighteen years had to confront reality. I remember the first time I saw David Whitmer's pamphlet [one of the first followers of Joseph Smith, ed], An Address to All Believers in Christ, threw it away in disgust. After having thrown, however, I began to think that maybe this was not the right way to tackle the problem. If David Whitmer was wrong in its Criticism Joseph Smith, I could certainly show that he was wrong. So I took the pamphlet and read it all. I found that I could not prove that David Whitmer was wrong, and that the revelations that Joseph Smith gave were changed. Later I went to Independence, Missouri, and saw a copy of the original Book of Commandments [the first published collection of 'revelations' of Joseph Smith, printed in 1833, then expanded and reprinted in 1835 under the title Doctrine and Covenants, ndt ], which confirmed the statement by David Whitmer that the revelations had been changed. Since that time I have found increasing evidence that the church where I grew up is in error. But the most important thing I discovered was that the church was in error, but that I myself was in error. I found that I was a sinner who needed a Savior. The Mormon church had taught me good morals, but they had taught me much about the power of Christ that could change my life. We talked a lot about Joseph Smith, but very little of Christ. Accordingly, I thought I had in me the strength to overcome sin. I could not see what I need God to be a sin So I went to another until I was deeply slave of sin. I could not find any help in the Mormon church, they were too busy preaching the glory of their church, Joseph Smith, etc.. They were too busy to sing 'Praise to the man who communicated with Jehovah' and 'We thank thee oh God for a Prophet' to speak of the one Saviour of which I'd really need. They were too busy to talk about missions, tithes, the health plan, etc.. To speak of Christ. Consequently, in the services there was almost nothing that could give life and peace to my soul dying. (...) I was nineteen when I heard the true message of Christ preached, and this happened in a Christian church. Shortly after I received Christ into my life and found peace, joy, and deliverance from sin. As the Apostle Paul declared: "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature, things old has passed away, behold the new has come "(2 Cor. 5:17). - Jerald Tanner.

Testimony of Sandra Tanner

Since I was born and raised in the Mormon church, and that is a descendant of Brigham Young, had very strong ties with the Mormon faith. I was about seventeen years old when I attended another church. As a teenager, my life was centered around the Mormon church. As I was engaged in the activities of the Mormon church and I paid tithing, I thought I would be right with God but I thought I knew what a pity that my activities in the church would somehow outweigh the harm I was doing. I thought - how do Mormons believe - to be inherently good. Not I was afraid of God's judgment
But in addition to the things that I could be wrong in my life, I began to have doubts about my church. He could really be the only true church? Polygamy was really right? Because blacks could not have the priesthood? It was so important temple marriage? Because its rites were kept secret? God had actually commanded Mormons wear special undergarments? I had many questions that crossed my mind.
When I started college I joined the Mormon Institute of Religion. I began to ask questions in class, trying to find answers to my questions. But one day my school teacher took me aside and asked me to stop asking questions in class. There was a girl who attended the class thought that joining the Mormon church and I was bothered with my questions. What a surprise! I had hoped to find answers to many things that worried me and now I had been silenced.
Shortly after I met Jerald and began to study the Bible together and Mormonism. As we studied, I began to see the contradictions between the Bible and the teachings of the Mormon church. I grew up thinking that Brigham Young was one of the greatest men that had ever lived. He had always been presented as a man so holy - a prophet, seer and revelator of God he Jerald made me read some of the sermons of Brigham Young in the Journal of Discourses about blood atonement. I was shocked! I knew what Brigham Young was saying was wrong but I could not reconcile these sermons with what I had always been taught about him. I knew these were not words of a prophet of God Jerald also showed me the changes that were made in the revelations of Joseph Smith.
I continued to think that if it was really God to give those revelations to Joseph Smith, because there was a need to rewrite them? Surely the Creator of the universe could put it right the first time! While studying not only discovered the errors in Mormonism, but I also began to understand that there was something wrong in my life. While studying the Word of God knew that I was a hypocritical sinner. In spite of my sins, I thought I'd be right with God (...) After that me and Jerald we were married, we began to visit various Protestant churches. When I heard their sermons began to realize that God was not interested in people's affiliation to the church, but a personal relationship with him (...) Now I want to share the special events of the day surrendered my heart and my life to Jesus Christ. On 24 October 1959, early in the morning, I decided to listen for a while 'on the radio. I tuned to a Christian radio station and listened to a sermon. The minister was preaching on God's great love and mercy given to us through Jesus Christ. Nothing I had never hit with such force. I opened my heart to God and accepted Christ as my personal Savior. The Holy Spirit flooded my soul with such joy that I cried for over an hour. (...) - Sandra Tanner (from: The Changing World of Mormonism, p.. 555-559).

Source: Aristoscana

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Hyderabad

The ADI have manipulated the books of Charles Spurgeon

The ADI have manipulated the books of Charles Spurgeon

Read the book online on our website 'New Way'

Download the pdf file

Read 'Comments (on manipulation made by ADI-Media on the books of Charles Spurgeon) taken from Facebook '

Article by: Hyacinth Butindaro

Source: Lanuovavia

Continental Backpack As Personal Item

The 'conversion' of water into wine made by the 'prophet 'Dionny Baez

Dionny Baez is a preacher who called himself prophet and worker of miracles in Jesus' name Many churches invite him to preach, attracted by his' miracles'. Here we present one for which he became very famous: the conversion of water into wine. Look at it carefully because it's miracle is a fraud, un'inganno. In the first video you'll see what he does and what makes you think the crowds, but in the second video you will see (con l’aiuto di un chimico amatoriale) come sia facile operare una tale conversione usando delle particolari sostanze. Fratelli, guardatevi da questi uomini malvagi e impostori, che la Bibbia dice andranno di male in peggio, seducendo ed essendo sedotti (2 Timoteo 3:13).

Giacinto Butindaro

Video: Conversione dell'acqua in vino
Video2: Dimostrazione del falso miracolo

Fonte: Lanuovavia

Invisionfree Beach Skin

More evidence that the ADI for the eternal flame is symbolic

Ecco delle parti scannerizzate dal Nuovo Commentario Biblico Illustrato, ‘tradotto’ e pubblicato da ADI-Media, che provano ulteriormente in maniera inconfutabile che le Assemblee di Dio in Italia insegnano the false doctrine that the eternal fire that Jesus spoke, and in Revelation is called "lake that burns with fire and brimstone" is not real but symbolic.

The public not only to serve as a confirmation of what we say for a long time, but also so that those believers who attend churches ADI who say, 'But our pastor has never taught such a thing!' are convinced that this is the official teaching of the ADI.

As you can see, the words of the New Bible Commentary which prove this false teaching of the Assemblies are as follows: 'inexpressible anguish is symbolized da ‘fuoco e zolfo’, v. 10b (cfr. Is. 30:33; Ap. 20:10). La punizione eterna è simboleggiata dal ‘fumo del loro tormento’ che sale ‘nei secoli dei secoli’, v. 11′ (Merrill F. Hunger – Gary N. Larson, Nuovo Commentario Biblico Illustrato, ADI-Media, 2009, pag. 679); ‘Il giudizio preannunciato su Satana (Gen. 3:15) viene ora eseguito. Prima cacciato via dalla sfera del cielo (12:9), poi imprigionato nell’abisso (20:1-3), egli viene ora consegnato al suo destino eterno, lo stagno di ‘fuoco e zolfo’, che raffigura un inesprimibile cosciente tormento (14:10; Is. 30:33)’ (Ibid., pag. 687).
Fratelli, guardatevi the leaven of the ADI. Read my rebuttal this their false doctrine.

Giacinto Butindaro

Source: Lanuovavia

Driver Licence Quebec Template

Deception Crop Circle

The case of crop circles on the end of the 70 starts in southern England. Big up to twenty-five meters in diameter or as small as a wheel, these mysterious circles appeared at night during the summer, and inside the ears were folded into a spiral and not broken. We became aware of their presence only since 1980. When the newspapers began to talk about it, the circles gradually increased in number (from 3 in 1980 to 700 in 1990) and began to present increasingly complex forms. Not more than simple circles, but circles connected to each other, with straight, wreaths and various appendices, triangles, rectangles and spurs combined to create elaborate and spectacular "pictograms", as they were defined. Immediately, all kinds of assumptions were made by "cereaologi" - so, in fact, called themselves the experts on crop circles "force fields", "plasma vortices" and, of course, "evidence of UFOs." Two of these experts, in particular, Pat Delgado and Colin Andrew, proponents of the UFO, became the most famous scholars of circles and released a series of books that made them rich.

In July 1990, several Groups of volunteers belonging to VECA (Voyage Etude CercleS Angles), an association of French ufologists, is stationed in the hills of Westbury, one of the places with the highest concentration of circles, for several days with the hope of witnessing the birth of a circle. One night he noticed the movement and the shooting was carried out with an infrared camera. The next day he discovered new rims, but the camera revealed that humans were present in the field. The hypothesis that it was a joke began to circulate, but was constantly rejected by experts in mind as Delgado and Andrew as impossible. This is despite a group of VECA had failed to prove that it was possible to enter a wheat field and make a circle with a garden roller. In September 1991 Delgado was invited by the British newspaper Today to inspect a new circle mysteriously appeared. The expert examined the grain carefully and exclaimed enthusiastically: "This is without doubt the best moment of my research. No human being may have created a work like this!" Then the twist: the journalists have two British pensioners, David Chorley and Douglas Bower, who that morning had made the drawing, using ropes and a couple of sticks, under the watchful eyes of journalists. Delgado left speechless. The two pensioners, who managed the effort to create one of the most hoax of the century, had gone the day before in the offices of Today to reveal that the authors of most of the circles made by ten years had been to that part themselves. It all began one summer evening in the mid-seventies, to Cheesefoot Head, near Winchester. Doug Bower, has long interested in the UFO phenomenon, "said Dave Chorley that while he was in Australia he had heard a story about a UFO would come down to Queensland and would leave a circular sign in the grass. Pointing to a wheat field adjacent Bower asked, "What do you think would happen if we create an impression over there? Surely someone would suggest that there is a flying saucer landed." Immediately after the two took a slash Steel L, and walking along the tracks of the tractor, he slipped in the field where they released their first circle. Planted the short end of the bar in the ground and, using it as a pivot, began to rotate, advancing on all fours, until, within forty minutes, got a circle of about nine feet in diameter. The first summer they did a dozen circles, and so did even the following summer, but nobody seemed to notice. In the late summer of 1979, were about to give up everything. They wanted to still groped once again in the summer of 1980, when they decided to make the circles where they could only be seen, that is, on the slopes of hills or near elevated roads. And so it was the rims were noticed and caught the attention of several experts who began to formulate their hypotheses more extraordinary. In 1988 the wheels were over 50, only 30 in 1989, well 232 in 1990 and 181 in 1991, the year when the hoax was revealed. Bower and Chorley were imitated by other jokers, which occasionally released circles in other countries. But it was more like imitations of sporadic. The home of the circles remains the UK, where this practice has continued and has become almost an art form like graffiti in his philosophy. One of the most prolific authors of circles, Jim Schnabel, even wrote a book about his career, "Art"; while in 1992 it was even held a contest in West Wycombe Bucks, for "creative circles" who can make the forms more intricate and amazing. For a group of artists / British pranksters (see: make drawings in the grain has actually become a profession! For this reason they are hired by companies because they realize unusual designs in order to advertise certain products. Other newspapers and television are sometimes asking them to produce designs: the impossible triangle shown here was made by Circlemakers 29 July 1999 on behalf of the Daily Mail. The experiment


Yet, until recently, hosts of ufologists were prepared to swear that no man could have achieved similar designs. Furthermore, they argued that even if possible, implement these designs would require a long time and finally, they said, any pranksters could not not leave a clear trace of their passage into the grain, since the ears grow very dense and it would seem impossible not to crush walking in the middle. For them, the most likely explanation was that extraterrestrial or alien spaceships landing traces, or messages that the aliens crop circle to communicate with us. Well, some time ago to CICAP we wanted to verify it in person with an opportunity given to us by the magazine Focus. As we are concerned to theory of the joke, friends of Focus have offered to sponsor the operation and to reimburse the owner of the field that would inevitably damage the crop. So we started looking around to find a suitable field and were Andrea Marino Franzosi and find it near Adria, Rovigo, thanks to the availability of the agricultural crop. Luigi Garlaschelli, who had already had this kind of experience creating a crop circle several years ago (ibid.), is concerned 'to procure the necessary equipment and coordinate the work.
First, it was made a drawing on paper the image that we wanted to achieve, then we set to work. The first thing you discover is that walking along the tracks left by the tractor in the fields you can in advancing without a trace. To realize the design is sufficient to plant a stake in the ground, a rope and tie you going in circles to mark the perimeter of the first circle (which measured about 20 meters). Then, with a rake go down the ears inside the circle: here, we found that the ears are not broken but bent meekly. For the lines connecting the circles, was sufficient to lower the tension the ropes and keeping ears close to the strings. Within an hour, we had finished our crop circle (see photo in black and white - the whole process is documented on the July 1999 issue of Focus).

There have been inevitable protests from the most fanatic ufologists because our design had some trimming here and there: the fact is that even if we had the chance (and should!) To achieve 40/50 drawings every summer, as do the British artists (some of them are even our friends), these small defects would disappear quickly. We did not want to show that certain all the circles that occur are like that, but what is certain is that we have demonstrated for the first time, even in Italy, two people, armed only with a rope, a peg and a rake could achieve , within an hour, a figure complessa come quelle che si vedono nei tanti libri di "misteri". Con buona pace di tutti coloro che continuano a ritenere l'impresa impossibile...

Le ultime affermazioni

Più recentemente, hanno avuto risonanza alcune affermazioni secondo cui i cerchi avrebbero presentato caratteristiche insolite, non presenti in quelli realizzati "artigianalmente" dagli scettici. In particolare, un fisico olandese, Eltjo Haseloff, avrebbe riscontrato anomalie nel campo magnetico e ritrovato ossido di ferro. Ancora una volta il mensile Focus ha voluto vederci chiaro e ha condotto un'indagine sul posto non appena si è avuta notizia della comparsa dei primi cerchi di grano in Inghilterra: sono così stati raccolti campioni poi inviati ai laboratories of the universities of Milan and Bologna. Objective: To repeat his comments from Haslehoff and another scholar, the biophysicist William Levengood. The research results were published in Focus No. 106: also examined in the circles were found particles of iron with silicon, manganese, aluminum and other elements, also spherical, but in a normal size. The radioactivity was not significant, even in some samples even below the normal threshold. And because the plants inside the circles had more vitality than the external ones? The reason is that plants bend trying to react and, moreover, receive more light stimulates flowering. Regarding seeds: they have been analyzed in Milan, and found no differences between those plants inside the circles than outside. And the famous bulges that Levengood found in plants affected by this phenomenon? Are also present in samples tested in Milan: the point is that these plants were "scrambled" probably from something mechanical.

In short, the crop circles are still a mystery? It 'been shown that you can redo them with little effort from everyone, and there are people who do it for pleasure craft and other and have shown many times, there were no significant differences between the circles made by hoaxers declared and carried out by "unknown"; research on the alleged anomalies can not be considered conclusive (because they have never been published in international journals of repute, such as Nature or Physical Review, but only marginal in bulletins) ... Despite this, there are still those who insist to accuse skeptics of narrowness. At this point, all evidence examined leads to the conclusion that the circles are only human work, those who argue the opposite, namely that their origin is paranormal, UFO or due to hitherto unknown natural phenomena, if it is to be believed must bring convincing evidence in support of its allegations.

Source: Cicap

Thyroid Cysts And Lyme Disease


News:Nella serata-notte-domattina sono attese piogge moderate-forti, è possibile anche qualche temporale (q neve a 800 m in calo fin verso i 600 durante i rovesci piu' intensi, piu' in basso possibile neve mista (ABBONDANTI NEVICATE ARTESINA-PRATO-LIMONE ALPI MARITTIME IN GENERE), le temperatura son alte al suolo, bassine in quota e poi si sa' marzo è pazzerello

Congratulations Messages For Sister

The Roman Catholic Church and lying

According to the theologians papists, the lie is of three types, namely, the playful lie, lie unofficial, and dangerous lie (this distinction was introduced by Thomas Aquinas).

The lie is playful when you lie to play, without any serious purpose, and for the sheer pleasure of lying; officious lie is when you lie to apologize, or to produce any advantage to himself or others, without But it is to give it to the next, the lie is harmful when it is unfair to give it to the next.

The first two classes of lies, according to Roman theology, are but a venial sin, while the harmful lie is a sin serious. We cite in this regard what he says the Encyclopaedia Ecclesiastica under 'lie': 'Only the lie can be harmful negligence, as when induced into error about God, religion, morality, or recasse serious harm to the next life, in wealth or fame, in all these cases, is a grave violation of the commandment of love (...) The lie unofficial (that is to say that some advantage) and the playful, not serious sin (...) Indeed, the playful, according to some, may be completely innocent, that is not even lie. This doctrine on the guilt of those who lie is common in the Church '(Encyclopedia Ecclesiastical vol. 1, p.. 533).

And if that's not enough to understand that the theologians of the Roman church admitted in some circumstances also include the lie that says the Catholic Encyclopedia entry to lie: 'In many cases, just silence or evasive phrase in order to save the secret, to evade a threat, be courteous. But many other times silence or evasive words are precisely those to betray those purposes. You can not escape either then or silence, something must be said, moreover, their thinking can be said without danger. E 'lawful in such circumstances, the false answer? With the vast majority of healthy men, doctors Catholics are responding so '(Encyclopaedia Cattolica, vol. 8, 703).

Scripture says: "Therefore, putting away lying, each one telling the truth with his neighbor because we are members one of another" (Ephesians 4:25), so it does not matter if one tells a lie to laugh or to apologize or to slander his neighbor because he committed an abomination to God a thing as it is written: "Lying lips are abomination to the Lord" (Prov. 12:22).

And speaking of the lie they call playful conviction because of Scripture says: "Like a madman who throws firebrands, arrows and death, so is the one who deceives his neighbor, and says: I made a joke!" (Prov. 26:18,19).

So, the doctors of the Roman church who speak that way about the lying liars themselves against the truth and cause people to love and practice falsehood to the detriment of their souls, because the liars will not inherit the kingdom of God

Who has ears to hear let him hear.

Giacinto Butindaro

Source: Lanuovavia