of Pastor Adam Luca (Roma)
itinerant ministry "Abundant Life"
We are leading people to Christ ? I mean, really we are leading to Christ? Or are we just simple format sympathizers? We
who taught from the pulpits or witness to our neighbor, we gonna talk on the streets or in our jobs, we who preach to the multitudes, or whisper into the ears of our neighbors, we say to people who want approach Christ?
You see, the risk is to train investigators, instead of believers. How to discern the difference?
Simple, except some exceptions, an investigator is not usually disposed to suffer, nor to sacrifice anything for Jesus and the Church, and a true convert to his "best oil" at the feet of the Lord, and is willing to serve in his local church.
When people come to church and decide for Christ, is not wrong to tell them that the Lord will bless them, they will receive healing and that God, in due course, will give the desires of their hearts. No, it is wrong to tell them that in Christ will peace and joy and that one day they will arrive at the Paradiso, the promised land of every Christian.
At the same time, however, is not even wrong to tell them that in this life will be persecuted on account of the decision they are going to take, which may have to offer to the Lord their time better and / or part of their property at the risk of being no, that will have to forgive when they want to order, which must give its reasons when they seem to be on their side, that will change their character when they want to impose their own and that their projects do not always coincide with God's plans for their lives.
We should tell these kids that their life is now in the hands of the Lord in the Gospel and that success is not success that they saw in the world. The success in the gospel is disappearing more and more so that Christ may increase and this is not always coincide with the desire to bring forward their own plans and projects.
We should tell the new converts that the Lord expects from their service, dedication and obedience, all things that a true born-again no difficulty to accept. But instead urteranno
sympathizers masquerading as born-again.
Who knows, if we say these things to people who get up to answer a call of salvation and are preparing to receive Jesus Christ warned them of responsibility if a new birth requires them, perhaps we would find that all of them would not continue to walk toward the pulpit, but we will return back immediately.
Well, this would not be so negative.
No, it would be, because those who come back would at least have the knowledge to know what it means to be truly Christian. And the day you decide to be, it will really be.
We live in difficult times, friends, and we can no longer afford the luxury of waiting for someone to grow in the Lord, before telling them how things really are.
We must have confidence that the Lord Jesus, when he enters someone's life, the change really and also prepares the responsibilities that Christianity requires.
In difficult times, you need to know immediately what to expect, otherwise we run the risk of filling our churches with people spoiled, capricious and not at all willing to make one sacrifice to the Lord or the local church that will hosts.
And then, let me tell you, deceive an investigator could create the basis for further problems in the community. For when the time comes when the maturity and good sense of the believer is required, we will remember his real sympathizer stage and act accordingly.
carnal mind will act as a spiritual being, and all of us we know how little profit is conducted in such a delicate moment.
We must say clearly to people what it means to accept Christ, and if they are not willing to pay the price, we must have the courage to wait and do not kid yourself. They are free to remain at the stadium of supporters, just as we have a duty not to deceive themselves elevated to the stage when that's not born-again believers are not.
Jesus paid the highest price, of course, but we must be willing to follow him in what He tells us to do, and somehow a "price" is required for us.
not fill our churches of supporters, people who agree only mentally con il Vangelo ma che poi non sono disposte a pagare nessun prezzo a motivo di esso, perchè quando la tempesta verrà, la loro mancata conversione sarà smascherata ed essi si allontaneranno presto dalla Chiesa.
Andare avanti nonostante la persecuzione, ad esempio, è parte di questo prezzo".
Ebbene, quanti oggi sono disposti a pagarlo, questo prezzo?
Si, gloria a Dio per i simpatizzanti, ma è giusto che essi sappiano che si trovano allo stadio di simpatizzanti e che debbono comunque fare presto una decisione.
Se facciamo loro credere di essere nella famiglia di Dio, se li illudiamo dicendo loro di non preoccuparsi e se non lasciamo che si assumano le loro responsabilità, the day the storm will break and will be required some sacrifice or deprivation by reason of the Gospel, they will be shocked and runs away.
And maybe we'll see them again.
They say in their hearts: "But this gospel is not so powerful because it has not prevented the storm came into my life ..."
We instead had to tell them that the Gospel does not prevent all the storms to come, but it certainly helps us and supports us in difficult times and helps us to get out of them. The aim of the Christian, in fact, it is to live well and without problems, but reaching the goal that the Lord has established for each of us and, eventually, joining the Heaven.
Hallelujah! If
obey the Lord may cost some sacrifice, that's okay.
If this may cost some deprivation, it does not matter.
But if these things do not say, if we hide the young converts that the storm can get and that persecution is always there lurking, this will happen when they run away. When will
offense by reason of the Gospel, give up everything. When a relative
them threaten to cut off the legacy will not be able to resist.
When adversity come upon them, will not have the strength nor the will to stand firm.
And when they ask their local church services and their time will run away.
No, I'm an advocate of suffering. Indeed who knows me knows how much I believe that the Lord is able to bless anyone talk to him, but I am also certain that there are situations where you need to put aside all material aspects of this life and also to say "yes" to Lord.
There are times when you need to decide to go ahead even if no reward in the Lord seems to materialize in front of us.
say only that there will be persecution not tell the whole truth, of course.
should also say that Jesus will lead us forward in spite of it, and that no tempesta sarà in grado di impedirci di giungere all'altra riva, se Gesù è con noi e se Lo stiamo seguendo diligentemente.
In questi tempi così difficili, la Chiesa ha bisogno di imporsi e di imporsi nel modo migliore. E quando la Chiesa si impone, significa che anche i singoli credenti si impongono.
E per imporsi, per non indietreggiare, occorre avere un carattere formato ed una disposizione a non mollare per nessun motivo.
Un simpatizzante non riuscirà mai a fare questo. Un credente si. Cristo in lui, per certo, può farlo.
E allora, concentriamoci nel formare discepoli, credenti veri e persone disposte anche a fare sacrifici per Gesù Cristo. Portiamo i simpatizzanti allo stage of believers, without fear of losing them. We tell them the truth and say what the Lord expects of them. Poniamoli confronted with the responsibility of service to God and to the local church in which they operate, accustoming them to the service right now and maybe for others.
Avvertiamoli that the persecution against them will, but whether they will stay close to the Lord will have victory over it.
The Gospel is good and beautiful are its rewards, but not always beautiful are the reactions of this world and the enemy of our souls. A true convert, a born-again, know that you have Christ on their side and deal with all the spirit of victory and courage.
and failures, challenges and sacrifices they will not turn back.
Well, if the truth will run away from the Church a person, then it means that that person was never really the Chesa.
If the stay is, then the Church has really gained a person. And that person, for sure, Christ has truly earned!
All supporters like to hear about Jesus Christ, and that basically costs nothing. Not all investigators, however, like to serve, because that, in contrast, it costs everything. Let
to people, and perhaps discover no small wonder that there are many willing to continue on the path, knowing that a cost is looming ahead of them.
cost but has a great reward as well!
Pastor Adam Luca (Roma)
itinerant ministry "Abundant Life"
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