Saturday, March 12, 2011

Continental Backpack As Personal Item

The 'conversion' of water into wine made by the 'prophet 'Dionny Baez

Dionny Baez is a preacher who called himself prophet and worker of miracles in Jesus' name Many churches invite him to preach, attracted by his' miracles'. Here we present one for which he became very famous: the conversion of water into wine. Look at it carefully because it's miracle is a fraud, un'inganno. In the first video you'll see what he does and what makes you think the crowds, but in the second video you will see (con l’aiuto di un chimico amatoriale) come sia facile operare una tale conversione usando delle particolari sostanze. Fratelli, guardatevi da questi uomini malvagi e impostori, che la Bibbia dice andranno di male in peggio, seducendo ed essendo sedotti (2 Timoteo 3:13).

Giacinto Butindaro

Video: Conversione dell'acqua in vino
Video2: Dimostrazione del falso miracolo

Fonte: Lanuovavia


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