There is no concrete fossil evidence that lends credence to the image of the man-monkey, 'ceaselessly touted by the media and evolutionist academic circles. Brush in hand, evolutionists produce imaginary creatures, and the fact that these drawings do not fit with the fossils, however, is a serious problem for them. An interesting method to overcome this problem, 'the production of fossil fuels that can not be found. The Piltdown Man, the more than biggest scandal in the history of science, 'a typical example of this method.
The Piltdown Man, a mandible of orang-utan and a human skull
A well-known doctor and amateur paleoanthropologist, Charles Dawson, in 1912 claimed to have discovered a jawbone and a skull fragment in a pit at Piltdown , England. Although the mandible was very similar to that of an ape, the teeth and skulls were human. These samples were classified as "Piltdown Man". Having asserted that dated back to five hundred thousand years ago, they were doomed, in several museums, such as absolute proof of human evolution. For more than forty years were written many scientific articles devoted to this discovery and many interpretations and drawings were produced, while the fossil was presented as important evidence that supports the theory of evolution. Were compiled no less than five hundred doctoral dissertations on the subject. Famous American paleoanthropologist Henry Fairfield Osborn said during a visit to the British Museum in 1935: "... we must be reminded that nature is full of paradoxes and this is an amazing discovery about the first humans ..." 1
STORY mockery
Nel 1949, Kenneth Oakley, del dipartimento di paleontologia del British Museum, tentò di applicare il metodo del "test del fluoro", un nuovo sistema per determinare la data di alcuni fossili antichi, sui campioni dell'Uomo di Piltdown. Il risultato fu sbalorditivo. Durante il test si scoprì che l'osso mascellare non conteneva alcuna traccia di fluoro. Questo significava che era rimasto sepolto non più di pochi anni. Il cranio, che rivelava soltanto a small amount of fluorine, proved to be traced back to a few thousand years ago, as confirmed by recent studies.
It was determined that the teeth in the jawbone, belonging to an orang-utan had been worn down artificially, while the instruments "primitive" discovered with the fossils were simple imitations sharpened iron utensils. 2 With the detailed analysis completed by Weiner in 1953, was revealed to the public this fraud. The skull belonged to a man who lived five hundred years before, while the jaw bone a monkey died recently! The teeth were then arranged in order and added to the jaw so as to mimic those of humans. All these pieces were then treated with potassium dichromate to give an appearance of old age. These spots began to dissolve in contact with the acid. Le Gros Clark, who was part of the team that discovered the fraud, could not hide his amazement and said, " evidence of artificial abrasion immediately sprang to the eyes . Indeed, it seemed so obvious that one could ask why they were not been discovered before. " 3 aftermath, Piltdown Man was quickly removed from the British Museum, where he had been exposed for more than forty years.
The Man from Nebraska: a tooth Pork
In 1922, Henry Fairfield Osborn, director of the American Museum of Natural History, said he found a fossil molar tooth in western Nebraska near Snake Brooks, dating from the Pliocene. This tooth allegedly had the common characteristics of 'man and monkey. This was the subject of deep scientific discussions in quali alcuni sostenevano che si trattasse di un dente di Pithecanthropus erectus, mentre altri affermavano che si approssimasse di più a quello di un essere umano. Il fossile, che sollevò estesi dibattiti, venne detto "Uomo del Nebraska". Gli fu anche affibbiato un "nome scientifico": Hesperopithecus haroldcooki.
Molte autorità diedero il loro sostegno a Osborn. Sulla base di questo singolo dente vennero eseguite ricostruzioni della testa e del corpo dell'Uomo del Nebraska , il quale venne addirittura raffigurato insieme alla moglie e ai figli, come un'intera famiglia nella sua cornice naturale.
Tutti questi scenari si svilupparono da un solo dente. I circoli evoluzionisti avvalorarono a tal punto questo "uomo fantasma" che, allorquando un ricercatore di nome William Bryan si oppose alla tendenziosa decisione di basarsi su un singolo dente, fu aspramente criticato.Nel 1927 vennero scoperte altre parti dello scheletro. I nuovi reperti rivelarono che il dente non apparteneva né a un uomo né a una scimmia, bensì ad una specie estinta di maiale selvatico americano detto prosthennops. William Gregory intitolò un suo articolo, pubblicato sulla rivista Science , dove annunciava l'errore: "Hesperopithecus: in realtà né una scimmia né un uomo". 4 Ne seguì che tutte le rappresentazioni dell'Hesperopithecus haroldcooki e della "sua famiglia" furono repentinamente rimosse da tutta la letteratura evoluzionista.
L'illustrazione a sinistra, pubblicata sull'Illustrated London News del 24 luglio 1922, venne fatta sulla base di un singolo dente. Gli evoluzionisti, tuttavia, furono molto delusi quando fu rivelato che questo dente non apparteneva né a una creatura simile a una scimmia né a un uomo, ma bensì ad una specie estinta di maiale. |
Ota Benga: l'Africano in gabbia
Dopo aver avanzato, ne L'origine dell'uomo, l'idea che l'uomo fosse evoluto da un essere vivente simile alla scimmia, Darwin si dedicò alla ricerca dei fossili che convalidassero la veridicità delle sue asserzioni. Alcuni evoluzionisti, tuttavia, credettero che tali creature si potessero trovare non solo nei fossili, ma, ancora viventi, in varie parti del mondo. Agli inizi del XX secolo, le ricerche degli " anelli transitional living "led to the unfortunate incident, the cruelest of which is that of the pygmy Ota Benga. Ota Benga: The Pygmy in the zoo." |
The Piltdown Man, Nebraska Man, Ota Benga ... These scandals demonstrate that evolutionist scientists have not hesitated to use any kind of anti-scientific methods to prove their theory. Of this we have to remember, when we consider the other so-called evidence of the myth of human evolution. There is in fact an army of volunteers ready to do anything to ascertain the veracity of these fictitious stories.
Source: HarunYahya