Sunday, February 27, 2011

How To Make A Homemade Space Shuttle Model

Lobi Bateba Ti Può
Lobi Bateba ti Puo
Lobi bateba Ti Puo

Figura Lobi Bateba Ti Puo: Burkina Faso ,Costa D'Avorio e Gana : Legno duro cm .61x77 .Bella patina crostosa .
Ho visto altre bateba di questo carver ( o della stessa circostanza culturale "o scuola" )ma di questo carving mi ha colpito questo Ti Può , la sua forma da fanciullo, con le mani alzate, pronto to defend the house, or its owners from various witches and evil, I find it very pure and elegant!
African sculptures often do not follow the European standards of beauty, its range in forms a vast range but sometimes complicated simple, visual sensory più'tribale, according to their beliefs!
I agree when you say that the African sculptor never fight against nature, in fact, it follows the teaching of looking at it, the forms are already present.


willy said...

Prego per correttezza almeno menzionare la fonte di tale Foto Dal BLog
William Nocetti
I pray for accuracy at least mention the source of that photo!

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