Monday, September 13, 2010

Is It Possible To Change Contract

Lobi couple Batebi cm.22 \\ 23.Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Ghana. Probable origin Latara department Kampti Burkina Faso is classified as common includes 113 villages, including that of Latara (Or later) and to give Passen

In this couple (two) lobes had been made a little mistake of writing, now explained, attributing it to the area of \u200b\u200bPassen, might be small errors while writing staff of Mr. Wolfgang of Berlin due to the myriad of names, areas, and a huge work carried out for identify various sculptors and styles.
With the help of a scholar and collector of Lobi, Mr. Paul Howolet and documentation of Mr. Wolfgang, you may think that this is close to the Lobi Couple of style (or school) of Polfotè (also called Baumanthè unfortunately I now sice dying), perhaps among the most 'important Latara, but certainly from the same sculptors Latera Polfotè, Koukourava, Baumantè.
honestly thought it would take some time before work and give full assurance of the pieces the same sculptors Latara (or later)

My most 'solidarity and gratitude goes to Wolfgang Paul Howolet for work and for the their help given lobes.


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