Monday, September 20, 2010

Long Term Effects Of Whippets

Lobi couple
Batebi cm.22 \\ 23.Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana
(photo black background from the register of Tribalartforum)
For information, see post below .

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Do American Bulldogs Have Blue Eyes

Pensiero stupendo (Darren O'Dea kisses Chris Killen)

Monday, September 13, 2010

Is It Possible To Change Contract

Lobi couple Batebi cm.22 \\ 23.Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Ghana. Probable origin Latara department Kampti Burkina Faso is classified as common includes 113 villages, including that of Latara (Or later) and to give Passen

In this couple (two) lobes had been made a little mistake of writing, now explained, attributing it to the area of \u200b\u200bPassen, might be small errors while writing staff of Mr. Wolfgang of Berlin due to the myriad of names, areas, and a huge work carried out for identify various sculptors and styles.
With the help of a scholar and collector of Lobi, Mr. Paul Howolet and documentation of Mr. Wolfgang, you may think that this is close to the Lobi Couple of style (or school) of Polfotè (also called Baumanthè unfortunately I now sice dying), perhaps among the most 'important Latara, but certainly from the same sculptors Latera Polfotè, Koukourava, Baumantè.
honestly thought it would take some time before work and give full assurance of the pieces the same sculptors Latara (or later)

My most 'solidarity and gratitude goes to Wolfgang Paul Howolet for work and for the their help given lobes.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

2oo1 Polaris Snowmobile Wiring Diagram

Censorship and ugliness

Che la Rai il sei settembre scorso, abbia censurato di nuovo Brokeback Mountain su rai Movie in prima serata non mi sorprende, arrivo a dire non mi frega manco molto perché chi veramente merita di vedere per intero quel film, non aspetta certo Rai Movie per farlo! Se non è andata al cinema per tutti i buoni motivi del mondo quanto meno poteva:
Scaricarlo (legale o illegale)
Prenderlo a noleggio

Ecc ecc
Insomma problemi loro.
Ma che Luca Benvenuti, una delle tante tristi realtà televisive nostrane, Distretto di Polizia , grazie alla carriera sia divenuto un perfetto e virgulto eterosessuale, mi ha lasciata davvero basita.
Per chi non avesse mai né visto né sentito parlare di questa fiction, deve sapere che Banvenuti Luca, poi un tale di Perugia, un poliziotto con la pistola ma senza gli attributi, ha denunciato la TAO 2 perché a suo dire, l'omosessualità del tale Benvenuti ledeva alla sua viril immagine di poliziotto. Così la produzione ha preferito cambiare una vocale al nome dell'agente piuttosto che rischiare strascichi giudiziari. Persa la i finale Luca Benvenut o non ha cambiato abitudini, almeno per le prime stagioni, se si esclude qualche scivolatina bsx, ma ci sta. Ma since the boy has made a career, and no, that's a different here! Seen to be too gay, or at least bisexual. Then I find him straight, even straight! and not live like some of Luca Povia , no, just as heterosexual if they had been so, without a shot being fired. But that shit imamgine give us, our television products, about us as a society, as a culture, in this fucking country? Europe! Manco, the Taliban ... Really you could export these follies? Those taken for a ride? And the lemmings who watch Italian television, will never be ready to homosexuality on television. I agreed to imagine a gay son. At best, ask him to change a vocale al cognome!