Friday, March 19, 2010

How To Clean An Antique Piano

Lobi bateba Phuwe : Burkina Faso Costa d'Avorio ,Gana : cm.45x11: Legno duroFigura Lobi (Forse Defretè o Koukouré ) ma sicuramente proveniente da uno degli scultori di Latara ,confine del Burkina con la Costa d' Avorio , Tending to brown patina. Speaking of Lobi is matter of course, are still tied to their tribal rituals and beliefs, and probably still active. Although we know more sculptors' famous, many still remain anonymous.
(photo on black background Tribalartforum.)
see some information:

Batebi Phuwe: Burkina Faso, Côte d'Ivoire, Ghana: cm.45x11.
See details below.


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