Monday, January 25, 2010

How To Get Rid Of A Broken Blood Vessel On Lip

Lobi Bateba : Burkina Faso e Costa D'avorio Nord Est e Gana : Legno duro rossiccio ,con incrostazioni e

tracce di sangue sacrificale ,( in genere sangue di pollame) patina d'uso . cm 41x10 .

This seems to be attributed to the notch above, the half-moon, the classical form of the slit eyes and carving. I am currently 'looking for information more' precise. From
latest information: This lobes (along with six other) was collected by a collector dealer Hausa, near Laropeni, a department comprising 69 villages of Burkina Faso, located in the province of Poni, the South West region, which borders with Costa D'Ivoire and Ghana.

Sculptures Lobi ranging from more 'abstract to the more' natural, every male is considered a sculptor, although there are workshops to that end, all 'occurrence often used a DIY 'giving rise to a myriad of different styles These wooden figures are treated as living persons or wood.

The spirits called Tkil are represented by sculptures, such Batebi (or Boteba) of various shapes and styles are used to protect its owner from evil and protect it from the curse of witches.

As already 'mentioned above are placed on home altars in various parts of the house, or in niches (Shrines) near the house where they are given their sacrifices and libations consumed

Although to a lesser extent in some villages still survive these ancient beliefs. I think this

Batebi very special, coming from a workshop professional sculptors lobes, shape and 'very pleasant and well made.

latter are particularly attracted to the sculptures of this unique ethnic group.

Lobi I bought this in an auction in Berlin. I admit that this sculpture I was immediately struck, I saw other lobes certainly coming from the studios of sculptors from older generations. The slit eyes and the style is unmistakable.

Lobi Batebi: Burkina Faso and a small part in Nor East of Côte d'Ivoire: hard dark reddish wood, inlaid with traces of blood and sacrificial patina. 41x10 cm

The photo above, the sculpture takes lobes with his wallet on the ground.
(photo Tribalartforum)

Lobi Batebi: Burkina Faso and Ivory Coast to the Northeast. Hardwood reddish, with deposits and traces of blood sacrifice (probably chicken) patina. 41x10 cm

Lobi Batebi: Burkina Faso and Ivory Coast to the Northeast. Hardwood reddish, with deposits and traces of blood sacrifice (usually chicken) patina. 41x10 cm

Lobi Batebi: Burkina Faso and Ivory Coast to the Northeast. hard heavy reddish wood, inlaid with traces of blood and sacrificial patina. 41x10 cm
collected from a dealer Hausa, near Laropeni, a department of 69 villages including Burkina Faso, located in the province of Poni, the South West region, bordering Ivory Coast and Ghana.


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