Thursday, April 29, 2010

What To Give My Dog For Hip Pains

Pombo (Pomtam) Kiss (Nomoli sculptures) of anthropomorphic soapstone (steatite called) race; Kissi, Sierra Leone. 26x14 cm.

The pose is a classic, hands clasped under her chin, almost fetal position.

The Kissi people worship stone carvings, sculptures or nomoli, and often finding them in fields where they were buried, in honor of the deceased, or a good omen for the harvest, some were placed in shrines and venerated as guardians of God .

The inhabitants call them men of stone, treating them with great respect.

I admire these sculptures, although they may sembrara arcane!
Upon contact "is" may convey some energy.

Pombo (Pomtam) Kiss (nomoli sculptures) of anthropomorphic soapstone (steatite called) race; Kissi, Sierra Leone. 26x14 cm

Pombo (Pomtam) Kiss (nomoli sculptures) of anthropomorphic soapstone (steatite called) race; Kissi, Sierra Leone. 26x14 cm. Back.

Pombo (Pomtam) Kiss (nomoli sculptures) of anthropomorphic soapstone (steatite called) race; Kissi, Sierra Leone. 26x14 cm

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Duo Maternity Wholesale

I took this picture in 2001

area of \u200b\u200bthe Northern Transvaal, South Africa.

endless hours of off-road, with challenging courses, fabulous landscapes, areas with leopards and snakes.

My first meeting was with the famous Black Mamba, also known as three steps (the only ones that remain to be done in your life if it bites you) The one that I wanted to meet, the first day of hiking, walking distance from me, was sunbathing on the rock rolled without me hearing, the guide stops me and yells, Mamba Shoot! ! why kill him? I was not really in danger, that's his land, I am an intruder, I immediately turn verso di mè , un veloce sguardo e si infila nella fenditura della roccia , un sospiro di sollievo esce dalle mie labbra . Gran bel incontro , si incomincia veramente bene .....

Il resto lo tengo solo per mè . Quando guardo questa foto , riesco ancora a sentire il sapore , il profumo di quei luoghi , la sensazione unica che tutta l' Africa ti sa' dare .

Ammetto che spesso nel guardarla , mi commuovo ancora .

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Cost To Replace A Lockapartment Door

slash fanfiction

Stralci di questo stupendo articolo di Giovanni Prattichizzo:
Le fan fiction sono storie scritte dai fan di un ben definito fandom, ossia quell'insieme di appassionati di un prodotto culturale (film, fumetti, romanzi, fiction). I fan, attraverso i loro racconti, provano a fornire una personale versione della storia, inserendo situazioni comunque presenti nella trama originale in momenti diversi della vicenda narrata.
Dopo averci raccontato un po' di storia dello slash l'autore si focalizza sulle polemiche legate allo slash: Lo slash è stato ed è tuttora oggetto di polemica, in quanto si ritiene che il rappresentare i personaggi con atteggiamenti lontani da quelli riconosciuti, ne possa oscurare l'immagine. La scelta operata dai fan writers appare comunque credibile fictional universe recounted. Some authors argue that this slash fiction on which they base their stories already exists in the original story: the emotions are already there and they do nothing but follow them. The writers of slash fiction (the so-called slasher), then, are often accused of confusing the manly friendship with romance.
discover who are the authors of the slash: Almost all of the authors (and readers) of this kind are women, with a small percentage of gays. According to recent research, just over half of the perpetrators of heterosexual slash declares, while a minority is made up of lesbian and bisexual.
But the point is that I in absolute most agree on is this: Some authors believe that heterosexual relationships in films and TV series to be told badly, while the stories with male characters more likely to allow exploration of the emotional and relational dynamics. This allows women to experiment, so alternative male identities and their forms. I add that most homosexual stories lack something focusing more and more troubled aspect of the case against the rest. It is probably what gave me the urge to write. To close
say yes, it's nice and exciting to know that many women also felt many years ago the same two men looking at my feelings and being able to go beyond a glance, a word, the design of the author often is forced to please the masses. But that can always be satisfied with small gestures to the most invisible.